Quirky Teapot Ideas

Crafts, Decor, Wacky

Due to my ridiculous obsession with teapots I’ve spent many hours on Pinterest and Tumblr, searching for the perfect one. I’ve discovered that there is a lot more you can do with the lovely creations other than drink tea. Here are a few little gems I’ve come across…

1. The perfect afternoon tea

Obviously the best way to use a teapot is to make a really good cup of tea. Now that the weather is getting warmer, having a tea party/picnic is the best way to spend time with friends



2.  Teapot Vase

I came across this a couple of months ago and thought it was a great idea. Instead of using normal vases, why not use teapots to display flowers.



3. Teapot plant holders

If you’re into your gardening this is an interesting way to plant your herbs and flowers. Using mix-matched teapots and displaying them on window-sills looks great.


4. Retro camper teapots

I’ve fallen in love with these (especially the one in the middle) and really want to know where I can get them from! Retro teapots are great for weekends away or if you go camping.


5. Decorative teapots

The easiest way to use a teapot is simply to display it  as a way of decorating your home. I particularly liked this wall as it shows how you can use colour to create a fantastic display. dd979129bcb8851d3988275f85b30b11

6. And my favourite!

I’ve just included this because I absolutely love it. An elephant teapot? What’s not to love? If I owned this I’d simply use it to store trinkets and jewellery.fbe88b7cc0e7f8d437057d992df28fcf